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How to Search: Multiple Terms

Your can enter one or more terms for your search, each term may be part of a card name, description or set name.

Cards that contain part of any term in their name or description are returned.

Example: Pika returns any card name with "pika" in it, which would mean Pikachu, or Flying Pikachu.

Card Name:This is the name of the card as it appears at the top.

Description: This is a variation of the basic card, that is, Foil, Holo, Reverse Holo, etc.
Some promotional cards have the event as part of the Description - such as a promo cards handed out at Origins or GenCon, for example.

Set: The name of the expansion set the card was released in.


The first word must be part of the card name:
The second and subsequent words can be part of the name, description or set.

Flygon X - will return both Flygon Ex, and Flygon lv. X (both words appear in the name, or any flygon's that appear in a set with an 'x' in its name.)

char sky - will return all Charizards in Skyridge

Char Sky Rev - will return all Charizards in Skyridge that are Reverse Holo

However: Base Char - will return no result: The name of the card must come first (Charizard, not Base)


Wildcard %
You can use a % character as a wild card for any card name.

% foil - all the foil cards for sale.
% 1st - all 1st edition cards for sale.
% 1st base - all 1st edition Base Set cards for sale.
% sky holo - all the Holo or Reverse Holo cards in Skyridge